Saturday, September 24, 2016



Research Notes:

I was chatting with Carl Sagan the other night. He had a lot to say about NASA, and early hydroponic technology (it was the kind of conversation any plant nerd would love to have) - yes, we can grow plants underground, on the Moon, and even on Mars if we can control the environment - he had a lot to say about the history of NPKand on the importance of organic farming. He also had a lot to say about 1954, though I can't remember  exactly what it was, all I do remember is that 1954 was a very important year for him, and that I should look into it:

...of course when I woke up from this dream I had to Google Carl Sagan 1954... 

I was happy to discover this:

Carl Sagan's "Outside" reading list, Autumn Quarter 1954 

In Whole
2. Death Be Not Proud (1949)  John Gunther 
3. An Outline of Abnormal Psychology (1949)  William McDougall
4. Who Speaks For Man? (1953)  Norman Cousins
5. Astronomy — Baker
6. The Observational Approach To Cosmology (1937) — Edwin Hubble
7. Cancer
8. Quantitative Aspects of Carcinogenic Radiation (1952)  H. Davis
9. Radiation — Davis
10. Star Short SF Novels #1
11. New Biology #15
12. Young Archimedes and Other Stories (1924)  Aldous Huxley
13. Julius Caesar (1599)  William Shakespeare
14. Symposium — Plato
15.  Autobiography of an Uneducated Man — Hutchins
16.  Timaeus (360 a.C.) — Plato

In Part
17. Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (1841)  Charles Mackay
19. Readings in Philosophy
20. A History of Western Philosophy (1969)  W. T. Jones
21. The Greek Reader — Andre
22. In the Matter of (1954)  J. Robert Oppenheimer
23. The Berlite German Self Teacher
24. 2 Galaxies 
25.  The Uses of The Past: Profiles of Former Societies (1952)  Herbert J. Muller
26. The Republic (380 a.C.) — Plato
27. The Bible — Anonymous
28. Several Scientific Americans

 Course Readings
 Heat and Thermodynamics (1900)   Mark Waldo Zemansky
Stars, Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory — Statistical Mechanics
The Kinetic Theory of Gases (1938)  E. H. Kennard
Electricity and Electromagnetism — Hornwell
Theory of Functions (1952)  Konrad Knopp
Complex Analysis (1953)  Lars Ahlfors
Introduction to Electric Fields (1954)  W. E. Rogers

Ok. I've copied down the list. Highlighted in red are the books I've read so far. I have to admit this is a pretty formidable list to tackle with my busy schedule and so I am going to simplify it by focusing on the books published in 1954, highlighted in blue:

But We Were Born Free  Elmer Davis (1954)

In the matter of  J. Robert Oppenheimer (1954)

I have just received the two books (pictured above): I am looking forward to delving in deeper.

Having read these books, I must admit that I am troubled by the context these two books project. It is as if everything I have learned, been led to believe, has been fabricated to such a degree that it is hard to recognize truth from fiction. The myth - American Democracy / The American Dream - from this moment on is gone, replaced by something else [I am searching for the right term] The political landscape we populate today, is a direct result. Now I must learn more of what happened in 1954. 

I had to order Elmer Davis's last book: Two Minutes to Midnight
(finished on Dec. 4th 1954/Published 1955)

This book is incredible

I used to design book markers as art projects. I would leave them in coffee shops for people to take freely.
This one, pictured above, seems so relevant today.

I keep thinking:

Trouble in the Rat Park

Further Research


Transcripts - J.Oppenheimer

American Prometheus: The Triumph And Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer


I'm trying to wrap my head around all this. 

"The first and great commandment is, don't let them scare you."
Elmer Davis

Alger Hiss - Released from prison in 1954.
He was convicted in 1950 for espionage and was sentenced to five years.
Note to self - Try to contact his son!

The End of an Epoch: Enter the Anthropocene 1954 -

CERN: Foundation 1954 (Geneva)
The Worlds first Nuclear Power Plant  - 1954 (Russia)
Operation Castle Bravo  The Worlds first H-Bomb- (1954) (Bikini Atoll)

Thoughts to build on... "Charles Darwin imagined a small, warm pool, where the inanimate matter would arrange itself into the evolutionary matter, aided by chemical compounds and sufficient sources of energy" this initial act, the proverbial lighting-bolt kickstarting life on Earth, influencing the chain reaction of life as we know it today1954 was the beginning of a whole new era, that "moment in time" when the Holocene Epoch ended and the Anthropocene Epoch began. It was these three events of 1954  - The Worlds First Nuclear Power Plant (Russia), Castle Bravo (US Military), and CERN (Europe) - that set the stage for 1954 becoming Ground Zero, that moment in time, providing the "sufficient sources of energy" that will, without a doubt, influence the evolution of life on Earth from here on out...


GIS: Nuclear Power Plants/US
Walther Bothe - Nobel Peace Prize 1954
Max Born - Nobel Peace Prize in Physics1954
Allen Turing kills himself

The profiteers of the Cold-War

Timeline 1954
(Scrutinize the above information)

The Killian Report

Doolittle Report 1954: Report on the Covert Activities of the Central Intelligence Agency

Google Books: Bilderberg Doolittle 1954

(just nine years after the end of WWII?)

Better Hitlerism than Communism

History of the CDU
(Christian Democratic Union) CDU - Pre 1954

Klaus Fuchs

The Constitution of 1954 was the first constitution of socialism in China.

US spies caught in Russia - 1954
The Spy Next Door

See: Józef Retinger [one of the founders of the Bilderberg Group]- Poland - Anti-Communist

Communism, not Fascism, was seen as the enemy to the "Free World"

Time to re-read the Communist Manefesto
found a 1954 print [order here]

Baltic Nobility
Jewish Bolshevism
Estonia 1954
The forgotten holocaust victims: German Communists

Wait, Link: World Peace Council -  OMG - I feel sick
"The World Peace Council (WPC) is an international organization that advocates universal disarmamentsovereignty and independence and peaceful co-existence, and campaigns against imperialismweapons of mass destruction and all forms of discrimination. It was founded in 1950, emerging from the policy of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to promote peace campaigns around the world in order to oppose "warmongering" by the United States. Its first president was Communist physicist Frédéric Joliot-Curie. Over 500 million people signed the peace treaty.

see: Russell - Einstein Manifesto
read the manifesto here

Dig Deeper

The birth of the KGB - 1954

Communist Control Act of 1954

Kissinger, Nixon, Rockefeller
Question: How, and why, did we, as Americans, allow an elite class of empire builders to control the wealth of Oil? Quick reference: The Rockefeller Empire - more research to follow.
How Rich?
Nelson Rockefeller / Venezuela 
The Price of Power - The Atlantic

WAC Officers

Must See: Military Training Videos 1954

I feel as if everything I have been taught about life after WWII is a lie.

I can't stop thinking 
"before 1984 we experienced 1954"
and, then I found this: 
George Orwell's 1984 - 1954 BBC TV Movie

There's a story here

Other Notable Events:


UNESDO - The 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two (1954 and 1999) Protocols

The Secret Government: Bill Moyers (1987) 

Bill Moyers: The Empire Expands

Notes: Imagine Carl's reaction if I were to say to him "it was so good chatting with you the other night in our dream. I can't thank you enough for sharing your 1954 "outside reading" list. I am learning so much about the political landscape we are living in today." Would he accept this as a "real" experience? Would he say "it was good talking with you as well." Or, would he be critical of this experience? It's hard to know exactly how he would respond, he left this world a long time ago.  I do know, that as a scientist, he was a devout "skeptic" inserting “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence” as he expressed so beautifully in "A Demon Haunted World"  and I must admit that as I first read his book (A Demon Haunted World) I was little frustrated while reading his critique that was highly skeptical of ideas he deemed to be "Psuedo-Science" because — I wanted to believe, and tended to believe from personal experiences, that there were in fact "ghostly presences" in our world, and that yes visitors from beyond interact with us from time-to-time. Would he deem this experience as magical thinking? Can we really communicate with each other through dreams? Did he discover something of an afterlife? Or, is this experience indicative of something far more personal? I do revel in the notion that yes, Carl did reach out with lessons from beyond...
One thing is for certain:

Good Teachers Never Die

One more thing I would like to also add to this story, deepening it's mystery, is that I had this dream on April 22, 2017 (Oppenheimer's Birthday) I find this very peculiar
Note: I removed this blog post from it's original date - 4/26/2017 - positioning it here as my first blog entry, dated 9/24/2016 - I did this for reference reason


“You're an interesting species. An interesting mix. You're capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost, so cut off, so alone, only you're not. See, in all our searching, the only thing we've found that makes the emptiness bearable, is each other.”    Love Carl

Translated Transcript
Princeton, 3. 1. 1954

Dear Mr Gutkind,

Inspired by Brouwer's repeated suggestion, I read a great deal in your book, and thank you very much for lending it to me. What struck me was this: with regard to the factual attitude to life and to the human community we have a great deal in common. Your personal ideal with its striving for freedom from ego-oriented desires, for making life beautiful and noble, with an emphasis on the purely human element. This unites us as having an "unAmerican attitude."

Still, without Brouwer's suggestion I would never have gotten myself to engage intensively with your book because it is written in a language inaccessible to me. The word God is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weakness, the Bible a collection of honorable, but still purely primitive, legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation, no matter how subtle, can change this for me. For me the Jewish religion like all other religions is an incarnation of the most childish superstition. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong, and whose thinking I have a deep affinity for, have no different quality for me than all other people. As far as my experience goes, they are also no better than other human groups, although they are protected from the worst cancers by a lack of power. Otherwise I cannot see anything "chosen" about them.

In general I find it painful that you claim a privileged position and try to defend it by two walls of pride, an external one as a man and an internal one as a Jew. As a man you claim, so to speak, a dispensation from causality otherwise accepted, as a Jew the privilege of monotheism. But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one. And the animistic interpretations of the religions of nature are in principle not annulled by monopolization. With such walls we can only attain a certain self-deception, but our moral efforts are not furthered by them. On the contrary.

Now that I have quite openly stated our differences in intellectual convictions it is still clear to me that we are quite close to each other in essential things, i.e; in our evaluations of human behavior. What separates us are only intellectual "props" and "rationalization" in Freud's language. Therefore I think that we would understand each other quite well if we talked about concrete things.

With friendly thanks and best wishes,


A. Einstein

Another Einstein letter dated 1954


"If enough people are ready to take this grave step they will be successful. If not, then the intellectuals of this country deserve nothing better than the slavery which is intended for them"

One day I will find the time to write:
"1954" be continued...

What better instrument to use for the soundtrack "1954"

Computer History

Animal Farm 1954

Pakistan 1954

Arming Pakistan to Fight the spread of Communism - History

Kooks & Spooks

Worldwide UFO Wave of 1954 Report - Nicap

Iran believes  "US is run by tall, white, aliens" 

Hemp & HitlerThe Elkhorn Manefesto

Media and the rise of "Mass Hysteria" - The Windshield-Pitting Mystery of 1954

I just ordered "Doors of Perception" published 1954

It's a Mans World

The Death of The Goddess 

I want to go back to Carl Sagan's reading list, to reflect on the Bible. I was raised Catholic, and to be honest none of it made much sense to me. I mean sure the stories were somewhat cool, offering up an historic perspective, however, I couldn't bring myself to believe it as truth as I matured, and it was my rebellion against the holy text that caused me a whole LOT of pain over the years. In fact, I began to question everything about our culture, and because of this it didn't take long before I was kicked out of church, kicked out of school, and kicked out of family. Basically, I was left to figure this world out on my own. And now my question is this: How is it that the bible still continues to captivate the hearts and minds of so many and for so long? It's as if people stop asking big questions and settle in on it as if it alone contains the answers to the ultimate question of life. I don't get it. I can't help but think that tyranny/fascism began the day Abraham declared that there was only one god, and that that god was a man. This declaration alone, the birthright of the three great monotheistic religions, seems to me to be one of the most divisive statements ever made by humankind. It has led other-wise good men & woman to engage in some of the most ruthless acts in history. But, what are we to do about it?

Ideas to build on:

"The life of the bee will be the life of our race" ~Colliers, January 30, 1926

When Woman is Boss An interview with Nikola Tesla

The Beehive Society: A Vision of the Future
Hive Society - The Economist
Spirit of the Beehive: Universal Computer/MC
(for the above link, scroll up page to read the whole chapter)

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